Do not expect a fear of losing you or great scenes of jealousy or sleepless nights. I give you what is mine, my words and meanings but also the calm of one who knows their limits. Do not expect me to be weaker or stronger than I am. Do not expect anything.
I love you in my own way.
And you have to understand the way I love you. It's not a rocket science. You know I do. Why would you not believe me sometimes?
I also would like to know the answer, Kyle. You're so good. You're handsome. You say the right words. You're hot! I think I am cold. I feel I lost something and I need it to believe in love again. It is not happening only with you. I just can't believe someone loves me.
You've lost faith in love?! Is that what you mean?
Well, I can't blame you. It happens all the time. You need to get strong. No one but only you can help yourself. I can just support you or suggest you sometimes but the ultimate result is in your hands. I can't do nothing if you yourself are denying to let it go.
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